Welcome to the Alabama CubeSat Initiative (ACSI)!

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What is ACSI?

The Alabama CubeSat Initiative (ACSI) is a workforce development program teaching spacecraft and systems engineering to undergraduate and graduate students across the state of Alabama and is the largest collegiate satellite program in the world. The ACSI has two primary projects: the Alabama Burst Energetics eXplorer (ABEX) and a family of spacecraft buses, meaning everything except the payload, called the Space Transporter by Alabama CubeSat Initiative (Space TACSI). ABEX is an astrophysics payload probing the energy dissipation in astrophysical jets by observing a currently unexplored energy domain in Gamma-ray Bursts. The Space TACSI bus family provides payload hosting opportunities for commercial, educational, and scientific payloads.

In Partnership With

Auburn University Logo
Drake State Logo
A&M Logo
University of Alabama Birmingham Logo
Alabama Space Grant Consortium Logo
University of Alabama Huntsville Logo
University of Alabama Logo
University of South Alabama Logo